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Přehled sérií a epizod
5. série
- S5E65 - Winnie the Pooh
- S5E64 - Manhattanhenge
- S5E63 - Secret Codes
- S5E62 - Concept Cars
- S5E61 - Superweapons
- S5E60 - Howling Wolves
- S5E59 - Banished Words
- S5E58 - Earth-Like Planets
- S5E57 - Oldest Living Things 2012
- S5E56 - New Year's Traditions
- S5E55 - Rose Parade 2011
- S5E54 - 2011 Scientific Discoveries
- S5E53 - Island of Samoa
- S5E52 - Post Office Fun Facts
- S5E51 - Red and Green Xmas
- S5E50 - Festivus 2011
- S5E49 - Egg Nog
- S5E48 - Winter Solstice 2011
- S5E47 - Regifted Items
- S5E46 - Organ Transplants
- S5E45 - Holiday Shopping
- S5E44 - Unusual Xmas Traditions
- S5E43 - Popular Toys
- S5E42 - Yule Log
- S5E41 - King Arthur
- S5E40 - Expensive Auctions
- S5E39 - Lunar Eclipse 2011
- S5E38 - Celebrity Dynasties
- S5E37 - St. Nicholas
- S5E36 - Celebrity Shrines
- S5E35 - History Changing Books
- S5E34 - Black Holes
- S5E33 - Recyclables
- S5E32 - Normal Royals
- S5E31 - Black Friday
- S5E30 - Holiday Traffic
- S5E29 - Highway Signs
- S5E28 - Iowa Caucuses
- S5E27 - Spy Gadgets
- S5E26 - Gettysburg Address
- S5E25 - Who Own the Moon?
- S5E24 - Sadie Hawkins
- S5E23 - Vanishing Lakes
- S5E22 - Lucky Number 11/11/11
- S5E21 - Listeria Outbreak
- S5E20 - Rhodes Scholars
- S5E19 - Marathon Cheats
- S5E18 - Daylight Saving 2011
- S5E17 - Sandwich Inventor
- S5E16 - Controversial Cartoons
- S5E15 - Strange Canned Food
- S5E14 - World Population 2011
- S5E13 - Ticker Tape Parade
- S5E12 - Halloween 2011
- S5E11 - Statue of Liberty 2011
- S5E10 - Haunted Houses
- S5E09 - Corporate Logos
- S5E08 - Monday Night Football
- S5E07 - Two-Headed Animals
- S5E06 - Presidential Grades
- S5E05 - Red Barns
- S5E04 - Unsafe Bridges
- S5E03 - Expensive Jeans
- S5E02 - White House Couples
- S5E01 - USS Constitution
- S5E00 - Huge Moon
4. série
- S4E99 - Debate Blunders
- S4E98 - Christopher Columbus
- S4E97 - Nobel Prize 2011
- S4E96 - Apple Varieties
- S4E95 - Most Common Bday
- S4E94 - Polar Bears
- S4E93 - Largest Hotels
- S4E92 - Oktoberfest 2011
- S4E91 - Sesame Street
- S4E90 - Time Travel
- S4E89 - World Government
- S4E88 - Banned Books
- S4E87 - Fall Equinox
- S4E86 - Cancelled TV Shows
- S4E85 - Interest Rates
- S4E84 - Albino
- S4E83 - Rugby
- S4E82 - Anderson Cooper
- S4E81 - Hiccups Cures
- S4E80 - Gold Prices
- S4E79 - Coup D'etats
- S4E78 - Niagara Falls
- S4E77 - Fastest Vehicles
- S4E76 - Photoshop Scandals
- S4E75 - Movie Trailer Voices
- S4E74 - Craziest Surfing Waves
- S4E73 - Newest Countries
- S4E72 - Craziest Amusement Parks
- S4E71 - Unsolved Mysteries
- S4E70 - Burning Man
- S4E69 - Mother Teresa
- S4E68 - Priciest Pooches
- S4E67 - Opera
- S4E66 - Bad Poetry
- S4E65 - Famous Arts Heists
- S4E64 - Radio Day
- S4E63 - Men's Grooming
- S4E62 - Tennis Legends
- S4E61 - Geography Test
- S4E60 - Famous Fasts
- S4E59 - Shark Fun Facts
- S4E58 - Vinyl Records
- S4E57 - American Bandstand
- S4E56 - Great Lakes
- S4E55 - Assistance Dogs
- S4E54 - Chinese Valentines
- S4E53 - Calculators
- S4E52 - Department of Energy
- S4E51 - Senior Citizens 70th
- S4E50 - Victoria's Secret
- S4E49 - Nascar
- S4E48 - Famous Twins
- S4E47 - Free Climbing
- S4E46 - Auto Parts
- S4E45 - U.S. Citizen Test
- S4E44 - Air Force One
- S4E43 - Beatles
- S4E42 - Little League
- S4E41 - Mystery Meats
- S4E40 - Famous Recluses
- S4E39 - Ice Cream
- S4E38 - Engagement Rings
- S4E37 - Hummers
- S4E36 - Origami
- S4E35 - Ultra Marathons
- S4E34 - Airplane Black Boxes
- S4E33 - Presidents' Kids
- S4E32 - Chinese Take-Out
- S4E31 - Coldest Places
- S4E30 - Canada Day
- S4E29 - Board Games
- S4E28 - Coke Fun Facts
- S4E27 - Towhead
- S4E26 - Cicadas
- S4E25 - Common SAT Words
- S4E24 - Outrageous Hair
- S4E23 - YKK
- S4E22 - UFO Sightings
- S4E21 - Mold
- S4E20 - Patents and Copyrights
- S4E19 - Sweetest Foods
- S4E18 - Outrageous Wills
- S4E17 - Father Facts
- S4E16 - Siren Sounds
- S4E15 - Dubai
- S4E14 - Piers & Boardwalks
- S4E13 - Bald Eagle
- S4E12 - Hay Fever
- S4E11 - Graduation Gowns
- S4E10 - Popular Coffee
- S4E09 - Umpire Calls
- S4E08 - Aesop's Fables
- S4E07 - Superstitions
- S4E06 - Most Bitter Foods
- S4E05 - Famous Curses
- S4E04 - Idioms-Chip
- S4E03 - Submarines
- S4E02 - Navy Seals
- S4E01 - Penny Facts
- S4E00 - Jokes
3. série
- S3E99 - Malcolm X
- S3E98 - Fad Diets
- S3E97 - Highways
- S3E96 - Windy City
- S3E95 - Nursery Rhimes
- S3E94 - Museum Day
- S3E93 - Invention Flops
- S3E92 - Famous Stutterers
- S3E91 - Kentucky Derby 2011
- S3E90 - Sainthood
- S3E89 - Cilantro
- S3E88 - Star Wars Day
- S3E87 - May Day
- S3E86 - Man's Amazing Nest
- S3E85 - Royal Wedding
- S3E84 - Big Boats
- S3E83 - Weather Prediction
- S3E82 - Tiny Things
- S3E81 - Earth Day 2011
- S3E80 - Queen Elizabeth's 85th
- S3E79 - Germs
- S3E78 - Strange Words
- S3E77 - Iceland Volcano 1 Year Anniversary
- S3E76 - Tax Day Giveaways
- S3E75 - Dangerous Snakes
- S3E74 - $2 Bill
- S3E73 - 150th Civil War
- S3E72 - Challenging Books
- S3E71 - Waterfalls
- S3E70 - Languages
- S3E69 - Fearless Creatures
- S3E68 - Magic Hoaxes
- S3E67 - Tax Cheats
- S3E66 - April Fools
- S3E65 - Icebergs
- S3E64 - Craziest Roads
- S3E63 - Secret Service
- S3E62 - Super Animals
- S3E61 - March Madness
- S3E60 - Theory of Everything
- S3E59 - Longest Words
- S3E57 - First Day of Spring
- S3E56 - March Madness 2
- S3E55 - Mensa
- S3E54 - Megacities
- S3E53 - Ides of March
- S3E51 - Scientology
- S3E50 - Flu Season
- S3E49 - Girl Scout Cookies
- S3E48 - Sinking Island
- S3E47 - Highest Places
- S3E46 - Carnaval
- S3E45 - 150th Lincoln Inauguration
- S3E44 - Salty Oceans
- S3E43 - Red Cross Month
- S3E42 - Sleep
- S3E41 - Oscars
- S3E40 - Thunderstorms
- S3E39 - Zodiac
- S3E38 - Big Fish
- S3E37 - Daytona 500
- S3E36 - Secret Codes in Art
- S3E35 - Extreme Plants
- S3E34 - Hibernation
- S3E33 - Westmister Kennel
- S3E32 - Valentine's Day
- S3E31 - Genealogy
- S3E30 - Frogs Re-Discovered
- S3E29 - Military Spending
- S3E28 - Snowiest Places
- S3E27 - Ronald Reagan Birthday
- S3E26 - Chinese New Year
- S3E25 - Super Bowl
- S3E24 - Groundhog Day
- S3E23 - Skyscrapers
- S3E22 - National Puzzle Day
- S3E21 - Bubble Wrap
- S3E20 - Octobabies Turn 2
- S3E19 - Burns Supper
- S3E18 - Lost Jewels
- S3E17 - State of the Union
- S3E16 - Age of Aquarius
- S3E15 - Edgar Allen Poe
- S3E14 - Snow Sculptures
- S3E13 - Michelle Obama's Birthday
- S3E12 - Martin Luther King
- S3E11 - Golden Globes
- S3E10 - Parking Garages
- S3E09 - Extraordinary Statues
- S3E08 - Date Anomalies
- S3E07 - Elvis's Birthday
- S3E06 - Social Security Numbers
- S3E05 - Underground Cities
- S3E04 - New Congress
- S3E03 - Destructive Species
- S3E02 - Best of Who Knew 2010
- S3E01 - New Years/Rose Bowl
2. série
- S2E99 - Tropical Get-Aways
- S2E98 - Natl. Fruitcake Day
- S2E97 - White Christmas
- S2E96 - Festivus
- S2E95 - Gingerbread Houses
- S2E94 - Crossword Puzzles
- S2E93 - Winter Solstice
- S2E92 - Wright Bros Aviation Day
- S2E91 - Boston Tea Party
- S2E90 - Collectibles
- S2E89 - Rock N Roll Hall of Fame
- S2E87 - Busiest Mail Day
- S2E86 - Bush vs. Gore
- S2E85 - Christmas Trees
- S2E84 - Real Gems
- S2E83 - Los Luggage
- S2E82 - Toy Trivia
- S2E81 - Oldest Living Things
- S2E80 - Ants
- S2E79 - Hannukah
- S2E78 - Cricket
- S2E77 - Thanksgiving
- S2E76 - Plymouth Rock
- S2E75 - Holiday Travel
- S2E74 - Flea Market Finds
- S2E73 - Awful Smells
- S2E72 - Cool Tunnels
- S2E71 - Strongest Substances
- S2E70 - Dolphins
- S2E69 - Daylight Saving Time
- S2E68 - Guy Fawkes
- S2E67 - NY Marathon
- S2E66 - Unusual Hotels
- S2E65 - Election Day
- S2E64 - Halloween
- S2E63 - Statue of Liberty
- S2E62 - Dress Code Rules
- S2E61 - Hottest Food
- S2E60 - Caves
- S2E59 - Postal Stamps
- S2E58 - Great Ca Shakeout
- S2E57 - Trash
- S2E56 - Shopping
- S2E55 - Witchcraft
- S2E54 - Global Handwashing
- S2E53 - Common Names
- S2E52 - Gold
- S2E51 - Biggest Wayve
- S2E50 - Columbus Day
- S2E49 - Buffalo Wings
- S2E48 - Nobel Peace Prize
- S2E47 - Coffee
- S2E46 - Most Common Names
- S2E45 - Whales
- S2E44 - Facebook Movie
- S2E43 - South Pole
- S2E42 - Candy Trivia
- S2E41 - Lowest Point on Earth
- S2E40 - Natl. Book Festival
- S2E39 - Chess Olympiad
- S2E38 - Piano Mouth
- S2E37 - Autumnal Equinox
- S2E35 - Titanic
- S2E34 - New Guinnes Book
- S2E33 - Talk Like a Pirate Day
- S2E32 - Chinese Traffic Jam
- S2E31 - Soap Operas
- S2E30 - Congress Salary
- S2E29 - Opec's 50th
- S2E28 - NY Fashion Week
- S2E27 - Football
- S2E26 - Lightning
- S2E25 - Labor Day
- S2E24 - Typhoon
- S2E23 - Grand Canyon Coin
- S2E22 - World Chocolate Day
- S2E20 - Emmys Preview
- S2E19 - Women's Sufferage
- S2E18 - Sean Connery Is 80
- S2E17 - Vesuvius Day
- S2E16 - Soda
- S2E15 - Diamonds
- S2E14 - Aviation Day
- S2E12 - World Population
- S2E11 - Back to School
- S2E10 - Lefties Day
- S2E09 - Friday 13th
- S2E08 - Perseid Meteor
- S2E07 - Elvis Week
- S2E06 - Galapagos
- S2E05 - Twins Days
- S2E04 - Money Facts
- S2E03 - Sonic Booms
- S2E02 - Obama's Birthday
- S2E01 - Turbulence
1. série
- S1E88 - Perseid Meteor
- S1E87 - Elvis Week
- S1E86 - Galapagos
- S1E85 - Twins Days
- S1E84 - Money Facts
- S1E83 - Sonic Booms
- S1E82 - Obama's Birthday
- S1E81 - Turbulence
- S1E80 - Hollywood Walk of Fame
- S1E79 - State Fairs
- S1E78 - Anniversary Traditions
- S1E77 - El Nino
- S1E76 - Lucky Rabbit's Foot
- S1E75 - National Drive-Thru Day
- S1E74 - PI Approximate Date
- S1E73 - Comic-Con
- S1E72 - Moon Landing
- S1E71 - Crop Circles
- S1E70 - Disney Legends
- S1E69 - Worst Vacations
- S1E68 - Long Lives
- S1E67 - Desert Facts
- S1E66 - Infamous Spies
- S1E65 - Strange Currencies
- S1E64 - Dog Days of Summer
- S1E63 - Babies Born
- S1E62 - Fastest Roadtrip
- S1E61 - Tour de France
- S1E60 - Freaky 4th
- S1E59 - First Stamp
- S1E58 - Wimbledon
- S1E57 - Bizarre Insurance
- S1E56 - The Hum
- S1E55 - Expensive Vacations
- S1E54 - Odd Restaurant Rules
- S1E53 - Soccer
- S1E52 - Sinkholes
- S1E51 - Summer Solstice
- S1E50 - June Weddings
- S1E49 - US Golf Champs
- S1E48 - Strange School Bans
- S1E47 - Brooklyn Bridge Make-over
- S1E46 - Flag Day
- S1E45 - New Moon
- S1E44 - Twains Autobiography
- S1E43 - Crazy CEO Perks
- S1E42 - Royal Gaffes
- S1E41 - Politicians' Past Lives
- S1E40 - Donut Day
- S1E39 - Graduation
- S1E38 - Plum Island Mysteries
- S1E37 - National Spelling Bee
- S1E36 - Alexander Graham Bell
- S1E35 - Memorial Day
- S1E34 - Unexpected Uses for Things
- S1E33 - Costly Glitches
- S1E32 - Man-Made Eco Disasters
- S1E31 - Controversial Laws/Bans
- S1E30 - Odd Election Endings
- S1E29 - Roller Coasters
- S1E28 - Famous Heists
- S1E27 - Real Life Castaways
- S1E26 - White House State Dinner
- S1E25 - Miss USA Mishaps
- S1E24 - Tornadoes
- S1E23 - Animal Architects
- S1E22 - Robin Hood
- S1E21 - Bono's 50 Birthday
- S1E20 - Mother's Day
- S1E19 - Most Poisonous
- S1E18 - Cinco de Mayo
- S1E17 - Stephen Hawking
- S1E16 - $100 Bill
- S1E15 - Kentucky Derby
- S1E14 - Supreme Court
- S1E13 - Lottery
- S1E12 - Military
- S1E11 - Earthquakes
- S1E10 - Mediterranean Diet
- S1E09 - Volcano
- S1E08 - Earth Day
- S1E07 - Creatures
- S1E06 - Boston Marathon
- S1E05 - Apollo 13
- S1E04 - Airplane Report Card
- S1E03 - Tea Party/Palin
- S1E02 - Tax Day
- S1E01 - Shroud of Turin