Přehled sérií a epizod
- S2E34 - Comix Zone
- S2E33 - The Guardian Legend
- S2E32 - Terminator 2
- S2E31 - The Terminator
- S2E30 - Hudson Hawk
- S2E29 - Monster Party
- S2E28 - Fester's Quest
- S2E27 - Die Hard
- S2E26 - Top 10 Hardest Adventure Games
- S2E25 - Dune II
- S2E24 - Drakkhen: Part 2
- S2E23 - Drakkhen: Part 1
- S2E22 - Castlevania Dracula X
- S2E21 - Strider
- S2E20 - Alien Soldier
- S2E19 - Top 10 Worst Game Requests
- S2E18 - Little Nemo
- S2E17 - Werewolf: The Last Warrior
- S2E16 - Metal Storm
- S2E15 - Kid Icarus
- S2E14 - Actraiser 2
- S2E13 - Snake Rattle Roll
- S2E12 - Mission Impossible
- S2E11 - Ninja Gaiden
- S2E10 - Robot Unicorn Attack
- S2E09 - Zelda 2 - The Adventure of Link
- S2E08 - Bebe's Kids
- S2E07 - Batman, Revenge of the Joker
- S2E06 - Kiwi Kraze
- S2E05 - Yo! Noid
- S2E04 - Journey to Silius
- S2E03 - Who Framed Roger Rabbit
- S2E02 - Dick Tracy
- S2E01 - Ironsword
- S1E20 - Dragon's Lair
- S1E19 - Blaster Master
- S1E18 - Bionic Commando
- S1E17 - High Score Challenge
- S1E16 - What Is That Crap Behind You?
- S1E15 - The Adventures of Bayou Billy
- S1E14 - Hydlide
- S1E13 - Actraiser
- S1E12 - Super Castlevania IV
- S1E11 - Earthworm Jim
- S1E10 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- S1E09 - Silver Surfer
- S1E08 - Ghostbusters
- S1E07 - Mega Man
- S1E06 - Alex Kidd in Miracle World
- S1E05 - Super Ghouls N' Ghosts
- S1E04 - Battletoads
- S1E03 - Zombies Ate My Neighbors
- S1E02 - Deadly Towers
- S1E01 - Chakan