Přehled sérií a epizod
- S1E73 - Sir Bernard Lovell: As a Man Is, So He Sees
- S1E72 - Eric Newby: I Didn't Know Life Would Be Like This!
- S1E71 - Robert Carrier: Food Is a Four-Letter Word - L-O-V-E
- S1E70 - Russell Braddon: Epitaph to a Friendship
- S1E69 - Lady Betjeman Penelope Chetwode: A Passion for India
- S1E68 - Paul Johnson: The Road to Ruritania
- S1E67 - Alan Garner: All Systems Go!
- S1E66 - Lady Antonia Fraser: A Life in My Hands
- S1E65 - Lord Soper: Love God - And Do As You Please
- S1E64 - Allan Prior: The Real Thing is Always Worse
- S1E63 - Spike Milligan: If You've Got a Pair of Eyes, Use Them
- S1E62 - David Franklin: ...I Sometimes Think I Don't Really Belong
- S1E61 - Mark Boxer: Half Way Mark
- S1E60 - Arthur Dooley: We're Coming into our Own
- S1E59 - Tom Stoppard: Tom Stoppard Doesn't Know
- S1E58 - Lord Caradon: Race Against Time
- S1E57 - Reyner Banham: Reyner Banham Loves Los Angeles
- S1E56 - Sir Michael Tippett: Poets in a Barren Age
- S1E55 - Leonardo Ricci: Starting from Zero
- S1E54 - John Braine: The Magic Is Here and Now
- S1E53 - Lord Montagu of Beaulieu: You're Never Alone with a Stately Home...
- S1E52 - Laurens van der Post: A Region of Shadow
- S1E51 - Anthony Grey: One Man's Freedom
- S1E50 - Des Wilson: Charities Are Not Enough
- S1E49 - John Dancy: We Must Offer a Vision
- S1E48 - John Crosby: Doomsday Never Comes
- S1E47 - Mai Zetterling: You Must Make People Angry
- S1E46 - George Mikes: Alien's Return
- S1E45 - Idries Shah: The Dreamwalkers
- S1E44 - John Skeaping: I Draw As Though I Were a Horse Writing His Autobiography
- S1E43 - Dom Moraes: Return as a Stranger
- S1E42 - Clive Jenkins: The Class That Came in from the Cold
- S1E41 - John Cherrington: The Green Revolution
- S1E40 - Raymond Williams: Border Country
- S1E39 - John Creasey: Down with All Parties!
- S1E38 - Dr Benjamin Spock: We're Sliding Towards Destruction
- S1E37 - Brian Glanville: The Last of the Good Losers
- S1E36 - Yvonne Mitchell: Strictly for the French
- S1E35 - Shirley Conran: Danger - Women at Work!
- S1E34 - Tom Wolfe: Happiness Is Wheel-Shaped
- S1E33 - Professor Francis Camps: Is the Law an Ass?
- S1E32 - David Holden: The Unreal Image
- S1E31 - Gwyn Thomas: It's a Sad But Beautiful Joke
- S1E30 - Sir Con O'Neill: Britain Through Foreign Eyes
- S1E29 - Marty Feldman: No, But Seriously...
- S1E28 - John Dankworth: Some Talk of Alexander
- S1E27 - Patrick Moore: Can You Speak Venusian?
- S1E26 - Lord Campbell of Eskan: Through the Eye of a Needle
- S1E25 - John Coast: Return to the River Kwai
- S1E24 - Marjorie Proops: Romance Is Dead - Long Live Romance
- S1E23 - Joe Tilson: I See with My Ears and Hear Through My Fingertips
- S1E22 - Dom Moraes: One Black Englishman
- S1E21 - Charlotte Bingham: If I Had a Million...
- S1E20 - Michael Frayn: As When in a Dream We Discover We Can Fly
- S1E19 - Rene Cutforth: Vikings Anonymous
- S1E18 - Kenneth Tynan: A Taste of Privilege
- S1E17 - Gerald Scarfe: I Think I See Violence All Around Me
- S1E16 - Georgia Brown: Who Are the Cockneys Now?
- S1E15 - John Mortimer: It's A Two Faced World
- S1E14 - Gerald Nabarro: Four Cheers for Britain
- S1E13 - Robert Morley: Was Your Schoolmaster Really Necessary?
- S1E12 - Claud Cockburn: One More River to Cross
- S1E11 - Margaret Drabble: A Place Called Exile
- S1E10 - James Cameron: Berlin - The Haunted House
- S1E09 - Sir Tyrone Guthrie: Off to Philadelphia
- S1E08 - Norman Parkinson: Stay Baby Stay
- S1E07 - Peter Wilson: You've Got to Win
- S1E06 - Jo Grimond: The Dead Hand of Democracy
- S1E05 - James Cameron: The Road to Kingdom Come
- S1E04 - Nicholas Tomalin: No Worse Heresy
- S1E03 - Anthony Howard: A City of Magnificent Intentions
- S1E02 - Dr Alex Comfort: A Traveller in the Dreamtime
- S1E01 - James Cameron: Temporary Person Passing Through