Přehled sérií a epizod
- S28E17 - In Sickness and in Health
- S28E16 - Mastering Diabetes
- S28E15 - COPD
- S28E14 - Make a Film Foundation
- S28E13 - Living With Lyme Disease
- S28E12 - The Power of Positivity
- S28E11 - Media Trauma
- S28E10 - Social Media and Your Kids
- S28E09 - Is Sitting Really the New Smoking?
- S28E08 - Stuttering: Let's Talk
- S28E07 - Eyes Wide Open
- S28E06 - Unwanted Children
- S28E05 - Life, Love and Everything Else
- S28E04 - Healing Your Heart
- S28E03 - Managing Ulcerative Colitis
- S28E02 - Jaclyn Smith
- S28E01 - Auto-Immune Disease
- S27E28 - Overturning Diabetes
- S27E27 - Forgiveness
- S27E26 - Reversing Diabetes
- S27E25 - Treasure Overflowing
- S27E24 - Go Live Your Life
- S27E23 - Family, Faith, Fatherhood
- S27E22 - Family Legacy
- S27E21 - The Counter Culture Mom
- S27E20 - Secrets to a Gold Medal Life
- S27E19 - Faith in Times of Struggle
- S27E18 - Drug Addiction
- S27E17 - Beating Cancer
- S27E16 - Maintaining Values in Media
- S27E15 - Keeping Your Marriage Strong
- S27E14 - Loss of a Spouse
- S27E13 - Addition: The Aftermath
- S27E12 - The Alzheimer's Challenge
- S27E11 - Pushing Past Limits
- S27E10 - Human Trafficking: The Take Down
- S27E09 - Impact of Adoption
- S27E08 - Epilepsy Explained
- S27E07 - Infertility Struggles
- S27E06 - Conquering Cancer
- S27E05 - The Family that Creates Together
- S27E04 - Building Happy Kids
- S27E03 - Healthy Skin Starts Within
- S27E02 - A New Season of Love
- S27E01 - The Cut - Healthy Weight Plan
- S26E17 - Happiness Over a Lifetime
- S26E16 - iBrain
- S26E15 - 5 Ways to be Happy
- S26E14 - Managing Migraines
- S26E13 - Fit Moms
- S26E12 - The Secret Killer
- S26E11 - Surviving Prostate Cancer
- S26E10 - What Color Is Your Diet?
- S26E09 - Serve & Protect
- S26E08 - Life Without Limits
- S26E07 - Eating Clean
- S26E06 - A Healthy Home
- S26E05 - To Be of Service
- S26E04 - A Diet Free Life
- S26E03 - 2 Weeks to a Younger Brain
- S26E02 - The New Epidemic
- S26E01 - Juvenile Diabetes
- S25E15 - Healing the Mind
- S25E14 - Hope for Alzheimers
- S25E13 - The Healthy Heart
- S25E12 - Life Choices
- S25E11 - The Hidden Epidemic: STDS
- S25E10 - Conflict Resolution
- S25E09 - Being Bipolar
- S25E08 - ADHD Without Drugs
- S25E07 - Mood Therapy
- S25E06 - Autism
- S25E05 - Human Trafficking
- S25E04 - Surviving a Stroke
- S25E03 - Discovering Joy
- S25E02 - Vegan All Star
- S25E01 - The Bullying Side
- S24E16 - Diabetes 101
- S24E14 - Owning Your Diagnosis
- S24E13 - Losing Weight the Healthy Way
- S24E12 - Living with Lupus
- S24E11 - Embracing Change
- S24E10 - Medical Weight Loss
- S24E09 - Your Path to Fitness
- S24E08 - True Strength: Interview with Kevin Sorbo
- S24E07 - Supplementing Your Health
- S24E06 - Happiness by Choice
- S24E05 - Body for Life
- S24E04 - Dealing with Diabetes
- S24E03 - Creating Option C
- S24E02 - Fit Over 40
- S24E01 - Sports: The Unhealthy Side
- S23E56 - Emotional Fitness
- S23E55 - Struggles in Parenting
- S23E54 - 10 Things to Make You Healthy
- S23E53 - How to Fill an Empty Nest
- S23E52 - Creating a Money Habit
- S23E51 - Finding the Perfect Partner
- S23E50 - Fasting for Your Health
- S23E49 - Bedroom Blues
- S23E48 - 21 Days to Self-Discovery
- S23E47 - Marriage Détente
- S23E46 - Milk - Does It Do a Body Good?
- S23E45 - Dealing with Bi-Polar in Marriage
- S23E44 - Momfidence
- S23E43 - Get Over Yourself
- S23E42 - Parenting the New Teenager
- S23E41 - Celebrate Change
- S23E40 - Deadly Emotions
- S23E39 - Strength in Troubled Times: Interview with Hunter Tylo
- S23E38 - Words That Can Change Your Marriage
- S23E37 - Help Pour Out the Rain: Interview with Buddy Jewell
- S23E36 - He Said... She Said
- S23E35 - Combating Childhood Obesity
- S23E34 - The Smart Step-Dad
- S23E33 - Different Backgrounds in Marriage
- S23E32 - Beating the Odds: Interview with Jimmy Wayne
- S23E31 - Novel Marriages
- S23E30 - The House That Cleans Itself
- S23E29 - The Sacred Marriage
- S23E28 - Vinnie Hickerson the Biggest Loser
- S23E26 - The Starch Solution for Diabetes
- S23E25 - Bringing Spirituality Into Your Marriage
- S23E24 - Successful Marriage
- S23E23 - How to Make a Happy Marriage
- S23E22 - Confessions from the Prairie: Interview with Alison Arngrim
- S23E21 - The Love Legacy
- S23E20 - National Fatherhood Initiative
- S23E19 - The Biggest Mysteries of the Opposite Sex
- S23E18 - Why Am I So Frazzled?
- S23E17 - Making Beautiful Music Together: Jamie O'Neal & Rodney Goode, plus Kathie Baillie & Michael Bonagura
- S23E16 - 30 Days to Taming Your Tongue
- S23E15 - Money vs. Marriage
- S23E13 - The Most Likable Guy in Music: Interview with Neal McCoy
- S23E12 - The Best Marriage Dates
- S23E11 - The Power of Peace
- S23E10 - Love Isn't Supposed to Hurt
- S23E09 - The Stranger Beside You
- S23E07 - Super Bowl Champion Benjamin Utecht
- S23E06 - The Best Medicine There Is
- S23E05 - When Opposites Stop Attracting
- S23E04 - The Power of Commitment
- S23E03 - Eracism: Interview with Louis Gossett Jr.
- S23E02 - Perfect Harmony: Interview with Ricky & Sharon Skaggs
- S23E01 - Turning Over a New Leaf: Interview with Gretchen Wilson
- S22E63 - Father's Day Special with Tim Conway Sr. and Tim Conway Jr.
- S22E62 - Interview with Catherine Hicks & Scott Yeagher, Plus Ruta Lee & Webb Lowe
- S22E61 - Interviews with Lee Merriwether/Alex Trebek
- S22E58 - Chelsie Hightower & Robert David Hall Interviews
- S22E57 - Making Peace with Your Thighs
- S22E56 - Setting Boundaries with Aging Parents
- S22E55 - Loss of a Child
- S22E54 - Time and Money in Marriage
- S22E53 - Who Switched Off My Brain?
- S22E51 - When You're Not Born Religious
- S22E50 - How to Get Past Guilt
- S22E49 - Are People Messed Up?
- S22E48 - Smart Moves
- S22E47 - Intimacy and Desire
- S22E46 - Anxiety
- S22E45 - When There's a Lot to Overcome
- S22E43 - Commitment
- S22E42 - Peace Over Violence
- S22E41 - Drugless Health
- S22E40 - When Perfect Isn't Enough
- S22E39 - Building a Love That Lasts
- S22E38 - The Next Level (Health)
- S22E37 - Child Labeling
- S22E36 - Negaholism
- S22E35 - A God Blessed Nation
- S22E34 - How We Love
- S22E33 - Setting Boundaries with Adult Children
- S22E32 - Should I Be Worried
- S22E31 - This Isn't the Life I Signed Up For
- S22E30 - Have a New You by Friday
- S22E29 - The Health Power
- S22E28 - Grieving God's Way
- S22E27 - The Ultimate Loss
- S22E26 - Necessary Endings
- S22E25 - The Side Effects of Medications
- S22E24 - Ten Relationship Myths
- S22E23 - Smart People/Dumb Choices
- S22E22 - The Balancing Act
- S22E21 - The Pregnancy Depression
- S22E20 - Saving Second Marriages
- S22E19 - Confessions of a Turncoat Atheist
- S22E18 - Right Brain in a Left-Brain World
- S22E17 - Guide to Optimum Health (Forks Over Knives)
- S22E16 - Who's the Boss in Your Marriage?
- S22E15 - Have a New Husband/Kid by Friday
- S22E13 - Ready to Win Over Depression
- S22E12 - Eating Your Way Out of Heart Disease
- S22E11 - Shattered
- S22E10 - Boundaries: When to Say Yes or No
- S22E09 - Full Plate and Lose Weight
- S22E08 - Getting Over the Ultimate Crime
- S22E07 - Treasures
- S22E06 - Mad About Marriage: Why Women Leave Men
- S22E05 - Out of a Double Life
- S22E04 - Birth Order and Interview with Buzz Aldrin
- S22E03 - Ruta Lee interviews Della Reese & Franklin Lett and Bill & Susan Hayes
- S22E02 - Ruta Lee Interviews Rip Taylor and Robert David Hall
- S22E01 - Ruta Lee Interviews Stefanie Powers & Debbie Reynolds
- S22E00 - Ruta Lee Interviews Phyllis Diller
- S21E39 - Mad About Marriage: Abuse
- S21E38 - Mad About Marriage: Substance Abuse
- S21E37 - Church and Violence
- S21E36 - Parenting Children with Health Issues/Interview with Ruta Lee & Stefanie Powers
- S21E35 - Mad About Marriage: Love & Respect
- S21E34 - Multiple Sclerosis
- S21E33 - Mad About Marriage: Anger
- S21E32 - Internet Safety
- S21E31 - Mad About Marriage: Pornography
- S21E30 - The Man You Always Wanted
- S21E29 - Lack of Spirituality
- S21E28 - Digestive Health
- S21E27 - Bullying
- S21E26 - More Intimacy
- S21E25 - What Kids Remember Most
- S21E24 - Love First: Intervention
- S21E23 - Finance and Unemployment
- S21E22 - Common Cure Myths
- S21E21 - Forgiveness
- S21E20 - Finding Mr/Ms Right
- S21E19 - Diet and Autism
- S21E18 - Home Remedies
- S21E17 - Purity Code
- S21E16 - Negative Communications
- S21E15 - Healthy Faith
- S21E14 - The Full Plate Diet
- S21E13 - Packaging Girls and Boys
- S21E12 - A Negative Past
- S21E11 - McDougall Health Care
- S21E10 - Video Game Addictions
- S21E09 - Sleep
- S21E08 - Infidelity
- S21E07 - 7 Ways to Reduce Medical Costs
- S21E06 - Escape from Pornography
- S21E05 - Both Sides of the Law
- S21E04 - Your Marriage Is Good Enough
- S21E03 - Diet Myths
- S21E02 - Divine Romance
- S21E01 - Lord, Help Me Break This Habit
- S20E30 - Borderline Personality Disorder
- S20E29 - The Amazing Power of Forgiveness
- S20E28 - A Midlife Manual for Men
- S20E27 - Teen Violence
- S20E26 - Is Enough Ever Really Enough?: Myths About Spousal Abuse
- S20E25 - The Joys of Grandparenting
- S20E24 - Men: The Good, the Bad and Everything Else
- S20E23 - Eight Steps to Incredible Health
- S20E22 - How to Talk to the Grieving
- S20E21 - Panic Attacks
- S20E20 - The McDougall Diet/Autism Connection
- S20E19 - How to Survive an Affair
- S20E18 - The Power of Faith
- S20E17 - The McDougall Top Ten
- S20E16 - The Power of Two
- S20E15 - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- S20E14 - From Betrayal to Forgiveness
- S20E13 - Living with Diabetes
- S20E12 - A Complaint Free World
- S20E11 - Incredible Weight Loss
- S20E10 - Consumer Fraud
- S20E09 - Chronic Pain
- S20E08 - Elder Abuse
- S20E07 - If I Were Surgeon General
- S20E06 - Risks of Being Unprotected
- S20E05 - Music Therapy
- S20E04 - Dangerous Medicines and More
- S20E03 - God's Grace
- S20E02 - Life, Love & Laughter
- S20E01 - God in Tragedy
- S19E15 - How to Deal with Menopause
- S19E14 - Volunteerism and Second Careers
- S19E13 - Recovered Memories
- S19E12 - Grandparents as Parents
- S19E11 - What Motivates Self Injury
- S19E10 - Divorce Predictors
- S19E09 - Diabetes & Lifestyle
- S19E08 - How to Detect Prostate Cancer
- S19E07 - Reconciliation
- S19E06 - Gambling
- S19E05 - Breast Cancer 2008
- S19E04 - Vegan Diet
- S19E03 - The Ten Second Kiss
- S19E02 - Pornography
- S19E01 - Senior Health
- S18E15 - Self-Esteem
- S18E14 - Mothers and Daughters
- S18E13 - Dyslexia
- S18E12 - Fathers and Sons
- S18E11 - Old Wives Tales
- S18E10 - Domestic Violence: His Side of the Story
- S18E09 - Stop! You're Giving Me a Headache! Migraines
- S18E08 - The Energy of Money
- S18E07 - The Prostate Problem: How to Help Your Man
- S18E06 - Surviving an Affair
- S18E05 - Eldercare Rage: Dementia
- S18E04 - Breast Cancer
- S18E03 - Sex and Addiction: Oxytocin
- S18E02 - Vote for Me for Surgeon General
- S18E01 - Overcoming Addiction Through Spirituality