Přehled sérií a epizod
5. série
4. série
3. série
- S3E03 - Parting... And Then
- S3E02 - Sorrowful Flash
- S3E01 - Lost Ties
2. série
- S2E27 - For My Loved One
- S2E26 - Entrusted Hope
- S2E25 - Atonement
- S2E24 - Wedding Celebration
- S2E23 - Even Wagering on This Life
- S2E22 - Repose of the Soul's Light
- S2E21 - Boy of Fact & Fiction
- S2E20 - Divergent Light
- S2E19 - Moment of Battle
- S2E18 - Farewell Reunion
- S2E17 - Unbreachable Wall
- S2E16 - Sunlight of Rebirth
- S2E15 - Deceptive Love
- S2E14 - Bewitched Illusions
- S2E13 - Dawn of the Heart
- S2E12 - Bewitched Warmth
- S2E11 - Trampled Love
- S2E10 - Hell's Mirage
- S2E09 - Guardians of Ice
- S2E08 - Nuriko, the Eternal Farewell
- S2E07 - To Die for the Star of Suzaku
- S2E06 - Whirlpool of Doubt
- S2E05 - The Flash of Battle
- S2E04 - Mysteries Afoot
- S2E03 - The Ancient Path
- S2E02 - Tombstone Oath
- S2E01 - Star Festival
1. série
- S1E25 - Love and Sorrow
- S1E24 - Resolution
- S1E23 - Shadow of Intrigue
- S1E22 - I'll Never Leave You
- S1E21 - To Protect You
- S1E20 - Unreachable Hope
- S1E19 - Shattered Love
- S1E18 - Love Trap
- S1E17 - Magic Flute
- S1E16 - Battle of Sorrow
- S1E15 - The City of Resurrection
- S1E14 - Wolf in the Fortress
- S1E13 - For the Sake of Love
- S1E12 - Only You
- S1E11 - Priestess of Seiryuu
- S1E10 - Looking for Yui
- S1E09 - Enemies Unseen
- S1E08 - Brief Parting
- S1E07 - Going Home
- S1E06 - Even If I Die...
- S1E05 - Bewildered Heartbeat
- S1E04 - Missing Love
- S1E03 - The Seven Stars of Suzaku
- S1E02 - Priestess of Suzaku
- S1E01 - The Girl of Legend