Líbí se Vám film Closer to Truth
Přehled sérií a epizod
20. série
- S20E10 - Art Seeking Understanding II: Meaning
- S20E09 - Can Art Probe Creativity?
- S20E08 - Did Art and Religion Co-Evolve?
- S20E07 - Can Art and Knowledge Enhance Each Other?
- S20E06 - Can Art Reveal God's Traits?
- S20E05 - Can Art Engage Philosophy of Religion?
- S20E04 - Can Art Clarify the Mind-Body Problem?
- S20E03 - Can the Brain Explain Art?
- S20E02 - What is Philosophy of Art?
- S20E01 - Art Seeking Understanding I: Foundations
19. série
- S19E13 - Salvation - A Philosophical Inquiry
- S19E12 - Atonement - A Philosophical Inquiry
- S19E11 - The Incarnation - A Philosophical Inquiry
- S19E10 - The Trinity - A Philosophical Inquiry
- S19E09 - Jesus as God - A Philosophical Inquiry
- S19E08 - Epistemology: How Can We Know God?
- S19E07 - Why Anything at All II?
- S19E06 - What Exists II?
- S19E05 - What's Strong Emergence?
- S19E04 - Is the Anthropic Principle Significant?
- S19E03 - What's Fine-Tuning in Physics?
- S19E02 - What's Fine-Tuning in Cosmology?
- S19E01 - What is Philosophy of Cosmology?
18. série
- S18E13 - Challenges of Analytic Theology
- S18E12 - God's Sovereignty: A Tribute to Hugh McCann
- S18E11 - What is Extended Mind?
- S18E10 - If God, What's Evolution?
- S18E09 - Being in the World- A Tribute to Hubert Dreyfus
- S18E08 - What is Analytic Theology?
- S18E07 - Epistemology: How Do I Know?
- S18E06 - What is Philosophy of Biology?
- S18E05 - Cosmology and Creation
- S18E04 - Does Consciousness Require a Radical Explanation?
- S18E03 - Why Consonance in Science and Theology?
- S18E02 - Critical Realism in Science & Theology
- S18E01 - The Multiverse: What's Real?
17. série
- S17E13 - Science and the Future of Humanity
- S17E12 - Is the Universe Theologically Ambiguous?
- S17E11 - To Seek Cosmic Origins
- S17E10 - What Exists?
- S17E09 - Why Philosophy of Physics & Cosmology?
- S17E08 - Observing Quanta, Observing Nature
- S17E07 - A Tribute to Huston Smith
- S17E06 - What is God's Own Being?
- S17E05 - Can Metaphysics Discern God II?
- S17E04 - Can Metaphysics Discern God I?
- S17E03 - How Does the Subconscious Affect Us?
- S17E02 - How Does Faith Work?
- S17E01 - Death Disrupted?
16. série
- S16E13 - Marvin Minsky: A Society of Minds
- S16E12 - Does Philosophy Help Science?
- S16E11 - What is Philosophy of Science?
- S16E10 - Fallacies in Arguing for God?
- S16E09 - Does Consciousness Defeat Materialism?
- S16E08 - Can Enlarged Materialism Explain Consciousness?
- S16E07 - Can Brain Alone Explain Consciousness?
- S16E06 - Religious Faith: Rational or Rationalization?
- S16E05 - Can God and Science Mix?
- S16E04 - How do Consciousness and Language Relate?
- S16E03 - How Could God Make Miracles?
- S16E02 - What is the Doomsday Argument?
- S16E01 - When Brains Go Bad?
15. série
- S15E13 - Is Consciousness Ultimate Reality?
- S15E12 - Does Dualism Explain Consciousness?
- S15E11 - What Is Causation?
- S15E10 - Does God Know Everything?
- S15E09 - How to Argue for God?
- S15E08 - How Could ESP Work?
- S15E07 - What Could ESP Mean?
- S15E06 - How Could God Intervene in the Universe?
- S15E05 - Speculating About God?
- S15E04 - What Is It About God?
- S15E03 - Implications of Cosmology?
- S15E02 - Can the Cosmos Have a Reason?
- S15E01 - Does the Cosmos Have a Reason?
14. série
- S14E13 - How Can God Not Be Free?
- S14E12 - Can Free Will Survive God's Foreknowledge?
- S14E11 - Big Questions in Free Will, Part II
- S14E10 - Big Questions in Free Will, Part I
- S14E09 - Toward a Science of Consciouness?
- S14E08 - Must Multiple Universes Exist?
- S14E07 - Why a Body in a Resurrection?
- S14E06 - Does Information Create a Cosmos?
- S14E05 - What Is Truth?
- S14E04 - Does Design Point to God?
- S14E03 - What Is Information?
- S14E02 - Is God Responsible for Evil?
- S14E01 - Can Mind Heal the Body?
13. série
- S13E13 - What Limits God's Freedom?
- S13E12 - Does God's Knowledge Quash Free Will?
- S13E11 - Why God, Not Nothing?
- S13E10 - What Can We Learn from Alternative Gods?
- S13E09 - Free Will for Moral Responsibility?
- S13E08 - What Things Are Real?
- S13E07 - What Causes Religious Belief?
- S13E06 - Is Death Final?
- S13E05 - Can the Divine Be a Person?
- S13E04 - Will the Universe Ever End?
- S13E03 - Is This God?
- S13E02 - What Is Consciousness?
- S13E01 - What Is Ultimate Reality?
12. série
- S12E13 - Why Anything at All?
- S12E12 - What Is Nothing?
- S12E11 - Panentheism: Is the World in God?
- S12E10 - Why Seek an Alternative God?
- S12E09 - Why Obsess About Free Will?
- S12E08 - Does Fine-Tuning Demand Explanation?
- S12E07 - Why Do We Sleep?
- S12E06 - Can Philosophy of Religion Find God?
- S12E05 - How Does Personal Identity Persist Through Time?
- S12E04 - What's the New Atheism?
- S12E03 - What Would It Feel Like to Be God?
- S12E02 - How Humans Differ from (Other) Animals
- S12E01 - Did the Universe Have a Beginning?
11. série
- S11E13 - Confronting Consciousness
- S11E12 - Does Hell Reveal God?
- S11E11 - What's in a Resurrection?
- S11E10 - Is Free Will an Illusion?
- S11E09 - Why Is Free Will a Big Question?
- S11E08 - What Is God's Eternity?
- S11E07 - What Would an Infinite Cosmos Mean?
- S11E06 - How Do Brains Work?
- S11E05 - Pantheism: Is the World God?
- S11E04 - Alternative Concepts of God?
- S11E03 - Why Believe in God?
- S11E02 - What Is Time?
- S11E01 - Time at Sea
10. série
- S10E13 - Does Brain Science Abolish Free Will?
- S10E12 - Why Is Free Will a Mystery?
- S10E11 - Do Religions Complement or Contradict?
- S10E10 - How Belief Systems Work
- S10E09 - Can God Face Up Evil?
- S10E08 - What Are Dreams About?
- S10E07 - Why Science and Religion Think Differently
- S10E06 - Current Arguments for God
- S10E05 - Are Brain and Mind the Same Thing?
- S10E04 - Do General Principles Govern All Science?
- S10E03 - What Is God?
- S10E02 - Is Consciousness an Illusion?
- S10E01 - Is the Universe Religiously Ambiguous?
9. série
- S9E13 - The Mystery of Existence
- S9E12 - Does Consciousness Lead to God?
- S9E11 - What's God About?
- S9E10 - Do Humans Have Free Will?
- S9E09 - Complexity from Simplicity?
- S9E08 - Does Metaphysics Reveal Reality?
- S9E07 - How Is God All Powerful?
- S9E06 - Mysteries of Cosmic Inflation
- S9E05 - What God the Creator Means
- S9E04 - What Would Alien Intelligences Mean?
- S9E03 - Arguing God with Analytic Philosophy
- S9E02 - Is Life and Mind Inevitable in the Cosmos?
- S9E01 - Fallacies in Proving God Exists
8. série
- S8E13 - Immortality and Eternal Life
- S8E12 - How Free Is God?
- S8E11 - Are There Things Not Material?
- S8E10 - Does God Have a Nature?
- S8E09 - What's Wrong with Immortal Souls?
- S8E08 - Can Science and Theology Find Deep Reality?
- S8E07 - Arguing God from Being
- S8E06 - What Maintains Personal Identity?
- S8E05 - Does the Cosmos Provide Meaning?
- S8E04 - Arguing God from Consciousness
- S8E03 - Can ESP Reveal a New Reality?
- S8E02 - What's Beyond Physics?
- S8E01 - Is Evil Necessary in God's World?
7. série
- S7E13 - Is Theism Coherent?
- S7E12 - Do Persons Survive Death?
- S7E11 - Can Science Talk God?
- S7E10 - If God Knows the Future, What Is Free Will?
- S7E09 - Is Human Consciousness Special?
- S7E08 - What Are the Scope and Limits of Science?
- S7E07 - Is God Perfect?
- S7E06 - What Makes Brains Conscious?
- S7E05 - Marvels of Space-Time
- S7E04 - Arguing God from Miracles & Revelations
- S7E03 - What Is the Meaning of Consciousness?
- S7E02 - Why Is the Universe Breathtaking?
- S7E01 - How to Think About God's Existence
6. série
- S6E13 - A New Heaven & a New Earth?
- S6E12 - Why Explore Consciousness and Cosmos?
- S6E11 - Are Science & Religion at War?
- S6E10 - Arguing for Agnosticism?
- S6E09 - Do Human Brains Have Free Will?
- S6E08 - Would Multiple Universes Undermine God?
- S6E07 - Is God Necessary?
- S6E06 - Can Metaphysics Discover Surprises?
- S6E05 - Why Is the Quantum So Strange?
- S6E04 - Is God All Knowing?
- S6E03 - Does ESP Reveal Spirit Existence?
- S6E02 - What Is the Large Scale Structure of the Universe?
- S6E01 - Arguring God from Natural Theology?
5. série
- S5E13 - Asking Ultimate Questions
- S5E12 - Is God a "Person"?
- S5E11 - How Do Persons Maintain Their Identity?
- S5E10 - What's Real About Time?
- S5E09 - Can Religion Be Explained Without God?
- S5E08 - What Things Are Conscious?
- S5E07 - What Would Multiple Universes Mean?
- S5E06 - How Is God the Creator?
- S5E05 - Solutions to the Mind-Body Problem?
- S5E04 - What Is the Far Far Future of the Universe?
- S5E03 - Wondering About God
- S5E02 - Does a Fine-Tuned Universe Lead to God?
- S5E01 - How Do Human Brains Think and Feel?
4. série
- S4E13 - Why the Cosmos?
- S4E12 - What Is God's Judgment?
- S4E11 - Why the Laws of Nature?
- S4E10 - Do Angels and Demons Exist?
- S4E09 - Is Mathematics Invented or Discovered?
- S4E08 - Did God Create Evil?
- S4E07 - Would Intelligent Aliens Undermine God?
- S4E06 - Are There Extra Dimensions?
- S4E05 - Arguments Against God?
- S4E04 - Is the Person All Material?
- S4E03 - What Does an Expanding Universe Mean?
- S4E02 - What Is God Like?
- S4E01 - Why Is Consciousness Baffling?
3. série
- S3E13 - Do Science & Religion Conflict?
- S3E12 - Eternal Life Is Like What?
- S3E11 - Is This the End Time?
- S3E10 - How Can Emergence Explain Reality?
- S3E09 - Is There a Final Theory of Everything?
- S3E08 - Is Consciousness Fundamental?
- S3E07 - Can Many Religions All Be True?
- S3E06 - Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?
- S3E05 - Where Are They, All Those Aliens?
- S3E04 - What Things Really Exist?
- S3E03 - How Does Beauty Color the Cosmos?
- S3E02 - Is the Universe Fine-Tuned for Life and Mind?
- S3E01 - How Could God Know the Future?
2. série
- S2E26 - What's the Far Future of Intelligence in the Universe?
- S2E25 - How Could God Interact with the World?
- S2E24 - Arguments for Atheism?
- S2E23 - What Is Free Will?
- S2E22 - Why Are Black Holes Astonishing?
- S2E21 - Does Evil Disprove God?
- S2E20 - Did God Create Time?
- S2E19 - Is Time Travel Possible?
- S2E18 - What Is the Mind-Body Problem?
- S2E17 - Can Brain Explain Mind?
- S2E16 - How Many Universes Exist?
- S2E15 - Arguing God from Morality?
- S2E14 - Is There Life After Death?
- S2E13 - Can Science Deal with God?
- S2E12 - Arguing God from First Cause?
- S2E11 - Does ESP Reveal the Nonphysical?
- S2E10 - Could Our Universe Be a Fake?
- S2E09 - Arguing God from Design?
- S2E08 - Do Persons Have Souls?
- S2E07 - Why a Fine-Tuned Universe?
- S2E06 - Arguing God's Existence?
- S2E05 - How Are Brains Structured?
- S2E04 - Did Our Universe Have a Beginning?
- S2E03 - Why Is Consciousness So Mysterious?
- S2E02 - How Vast Is the Cosmos?
- S2E01 - Does God Make Sense?
1. série
- S1E43 - Testing New Drugs: Are People Guinea Pigs?
- S1E42 - Can Religion Withstand Technology?
- S1E41 - Is the Universe Full of Life?
- S1E40 - Is Consciousness Definable?
- S1E39 - Who Gets to Validate Alternative Medicine?
- S1E38 - How Does Basic Science Defend America?
- S1E37 - Does Psychiatry Have a Split Personality?
- S1E36 - Will Computers Take a Quantum Leap?
- S1E35 - Why Is Music So Significant?
- S1E34 - How Does Order Arise in the Universe?
- S1E33 - Microbes: Friend or Foe?
- S1E32 - How Weird Is the Cosmos?
- S1E31 - How Does the Autistic Brain Work?
- S1E30 - Can We Believe in Both Science and Religion?
- S1E29 - Is Science Fiction Science?
- S1E28 - Will Intelligence Fill the Universe?
- S1E27 - Will This Universe Ever End?
- S1E26 - What Is Parapsychology?
- S1E25 - Can You Learn to Be Creative?
- S1E24 - How Does Technology Transform Society?
- S1E23 - Who Needs Sex Therapy?
- S1E22 - How Did We Think in the Last Millennium?
- S1E21 - Why Is Quantum Physics So Beautiful?
- S1E20 - Why Do We Make Music and Art?
- S1E19 - Will Gene Therapy Change the Human Race?
- S1E18 - Do Brains Make Minds?
- S1E17 - How Does Creativity Work at Work?
- S1E16 - What Are the Next Breakthroughs in Science?
- S1E15 - Can We Imagine the Far Future: Year 3000?
- S1E14 - Does Sex Have a Future?
- S1E13 - Can Science Seek the Soul?
- S1E12 - Strange Physics of the Mind?
- S1E11 - How Does Technology Transform Thinking?
- S1E10 - Whatever Happened to Ethics and Civility?
- S1E09 - Can ESP Affect Our Lives?
- S1E08 - Can You Really Extend Your Life?
- S1E07 - What Is Consciousness?
- S1E06 - Can We See the Near Future: Year 2025?
- S1E05 - How Did This Universe Begin?
- S1E04 - New Communities for the New Millennium?
- S1E03 - What's Creativity and Who's Creative?
- S1E02 - Will the Internet Change Humanity?
- S1E01 - What Are the Grand Questions of Science?