Přehled sérií a epizod
6. série
4. série
- S4E22 - Storm Over the Supreme Court: Part 3
- S4E18 - The Verdict of the Silent Spring of Rachel Carson
- S4E16 - Walter Lippmann, 1963
- S4E15 - The Man Who Built New York
- S4E14 - The Silent Spring of Rachel Carson
- S4E13 - Storm Over the Supreme Court: Part 2
- S4E12 - Storm Over the Supreme Court: Part 1
- S4E11 - Germany Since Hitler: Adenauer Sums Up
- S4E09 - War at the Top of the World
- S4E08 - Sabotage in South Africa
- S4E07 - 109 Days to Venus
- S4E06 - An Hour with the Secretary of State
- S4E05 - The Seventh Crisis of Richard M. Nixon
- S4E04 - The Other Face of Dixie
- S4E03 - Showdown in the Congo
3. série
- S3E14 - Thunder on the Right
- S3E13 - Eisenhower on the Presidency: Part 3
- S3E12 - Carl Sandburg: Lincoln's Prairie Years
- S3E11 - Death in the City Room
- S3E10 - The Fat American
- S3E09 - East Germany: The Land Beyond the Wall
- S3E08 - Walter Lippmann, Year End
- S3E07 - The Balance of Terror: Can We Disarm?
- S3E06 - Biography of a Bookie Joint
- S3E05 - Eisenhower on the Presidency: Part 2
- S3E04 - The Balance of Terror: In Case of War
- S3E03 - Brazil: The Rude Awakening
- S3E02 - The Water Famine
- S3E01 - Eisenhower on the Presidency: Part 1
2. série
- S2E17 - Walter Lippmann 1961
- S2E16 - The Trials of Charles De Gaulle
- S2E15 - Who Speaks for Birmingham?
- S2E14 - Censorship and the Movies
- S2E13 - Why Men in Space?
- S2E12 - Carl Sandburg at Gettysburg
- S2E11 - Britain: Blood, Sweat and Tears Plus 20 Years
- S2E10 - Crossroads Africa: Pilot for a Peace Corps
- S2E09 - A Real Case of Murder: People vs. Peter Manceri
- S2E08 - The Case of the Boston Electra
- S2E07 - The Business of Health: Medicine, Money and Politics
- S2E06 - Keeper of the Rules: Congressman Smith and the New Frontier
- S2E05 - Our Election Day Illusions: The Beat Majority
- S2E04 - The Great Holiday Massacre
- S2E03 - Rescue, with Yul Brynner
- S2E02 - Money and the Next President
- S2E01 - The Year of the Polaris
1. série
- S1E13 - S01E13
- S1E12 - S01E12
- S1E11 - Walter Lippmann on Leadership
- S1E10 - Berlin: End of the Line
- S1E09 - Who Speaks for the South?
- S1E08 - Biography of a Cancer
- S1E07 - Trujillo: Portrait of a Dictator
- S1E06 - Nigeria: The Freedom Explosion
- S1E05 - The Population Explosion II
- S1E04 - The Space Lag: Can Democracy Compete?
- S1E03 - Iran: Brittle Ally
- S1E02 - The Population Explosion
- S1E01 - Biography of a Missile