Přehled sérií a epizod
13. série
- S13E26 - The Road to Recovery?
- S13E25 - Fair Game?
- S13E24 - High Insecurity
- S13E23 - The Cost of Getting it Wrong
- S13E22 - Proof of the Pudding
- S13E21 - Chunnel Vision
- S13E20 - A Sentence of Death?
- S13E19 - A Life Worth Living?
- S13E18 - Out of Order
- S13E17 - A Candyfloss Code
- S13E16 - On the Line: Brass Tacks on Sport - Part 6
- S13E15 - On the Line: Brass Tacks on Sport - Part 5
- S13E14 - On the Line: Brass Tacks on Sport - Part 4
- S13E13 - On the Line: Brass Tacks on Sport - Part 3
- S13E12 - On the Line: Brass Tacks on Sport - Part 2
- S13E11 - On the Line: Brass Tacks on Sport - Part 1
- S13E10 - Shire Wars
- S13E09 - The Ball Game
- S13E08 - The Finishing Line
- S13E07 - Going Homeless
- S13E06 - Compensation Expert
- S13E05 - Danny's Secret Deal
- S13E04 - Good as You?
- S13E03 - Tested to Destruction
- S13E02 - The English Disease
- S13E01 - The Disease of Sloppiness
12. série
- S12E35 - The Wannabees
- S12E34 - Safe and Sorry?
- S12E33 - Taking Care
- S12E32 - Fag Ends
- S12E31 - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
- S12E30 - Driving Licence
- S12E29 - It's the Safest Road in the World - What Makes It Dangerous Are the People on It
- S12E28 - Bad Habits?
- S12E27 - Taming the Dragon: A Brass Tacks Special - Uncertain Legacy
- S12E26 - A Prescription for Life?
- S12E25 - Taming the Dragon: A Brass Tacks Special - Swords and Ploughshares
- S12E24 - Dog Dogma
- S12E23 - Taming the Dragon: A Brass Tacks Special - Safety in Numbers
- S12E22 - Off the Leash
- S12E21 - The Price of Power
- S12E20 - Energy for Life?
- S12E19 - A Healthy Investment?
- S12E18 - Going Private
- S12E17 - What's News?
- S12E16 - Tits 'n' Tat?
- S12E15 - Whose Countryside is It?
- S12E14 - Buying a Slice
- S12E13 - Chopsticks, Bulldozers and Newcastle Brown: Part 3 - Newcastle Brown
- S12E12 - Chopsticks, Bulldozers and Newcastle Brown: Part 2 - Bulldozers
- S12E11 - Chopsticks, Bulldozers and Newcastle Brown: Part 1 - Chopsticks
- S12E10 - Tomorrow's Victims
- S12E09 - Terms of Abuse
- S12E08 - Turbulent Priests
- S12E07 - Sanctuary
- S12E06 - Eldonians
- S12E05 - The Eldon Street Revival
- S12E04 - Pensioner Power
- S12E03 - Youthful Intentions
- S12E02 - Who Cares for the Carers?
- S12E01 - The Care Bearers
11. série
- S11E08 - Nuclear Power Stations
- S11E07 - Lambs to the Slaughter?
- S11E06 - Social Handicaps
- S11E05 - No Bag of Roses
- S11E04 - What's your poison and what's its price?
- S11E03 - He's drinking a lot - but thank God he's not taking drugs.
- S11E02 - Brass Tacks Reports: British Education
- S11E01 - Dead People and Hottentots
10. série
- S10E14 - No Soft Option
- S10E13 - Arms of the Law
- S10E12 - Talkback
- S10E11 - Animal Warfare
- S10E10 - British as Finchley?: Part 2
- S10E09 - British as Finchley?: Part 1
- S10E08 - Cloudburst!: Part 2
- S10E07 - Cloudburst!: Part 1
- S10E06 - Health and Efficiency: Part 2
- S10E05 - Health and Efficiency: Part 1
- S10E04 - Face to Face: Part 2
- S10E03 - Face to Face: Part 1
- S10E02 - Taking to the Streets: Part 2
- S10E01 - Taking to the Streets
- S10E00 - A Fair Degree of Force?
9. série
8. série
- S8E09 - The Armalite and the Ballot Paper
- S8E08 - Brass Tacks Reports: Making the News
- S8E07 - Brass Tacks Reports: Sport Can Damage Your Health
- S8E06 - Judge thy Neighbour
- S8E05 - Brass Tacks Reports: A Fair Day's Fiddle
- S8E04 - Brass Tacks Reports: Heavier Metal
- S8E03 - Brass Tacks Reports: Creaming the Fat
- S8E02 - Brass Tacks Reports: Creaming the Fat
- S8E01 - Brass Tacks Reports: Tender Loving Neglect
- S8E00 - Brass Tacks Reports: A Matter for Joint Decision
7. série
- S7E08 - Brass Tacks Reports: It Went Yesterday
- S7E07 - Brass Tacks Reports: Doing the Rounds
- S7E06 - Brass Tacks Reports: Insult to Injury
- S7E05 - Brass Tacks Reports: The Noble Art?
- S7E04 - Brass Tacks Reports: Back Door Beeching
- S7E03 - Brass Tacks Reports: Solitary
- S7E02 - Brass Tacks Reports: Rough Trade
- S7E01 - Brass Tacks Reports: Breaking the Silence
6. série
5. série
- S5E15 - S05E15
- S5E14 - S05E14
- S5E13 - Dogs - Man's Best Friend
- S5E12 - Poyser Family from Moss Side
- S5E11 - The Last Right
- S5E10 - Babies of Convenience?
- S5E09 - The Blight
- S5E08 - Power to the People
- S5E07 - Captives in the Country
- S5E06 - Full of Natural Goodness
- S5E05 - Astrology
- S5E04 - Known to the Police
- S5E03 - Teenage Motorcyclists
- S5E02 - The First Division?
- S5E01 - The Cruise Missile - Not for Public Debate
4. série
- S4E17 - The Worst Road Accident of All?
- S4E16 - Fit to Be Born?
- S4E15 - You Can't Eat the Scenery
- S4E14 - Are the Kids All Right?
- S4E13 - Mr. Hardy's Trip to Wessex
- S4E12 - The Last Post?
- S4E11 - We Can't Shout for Emily
- S4E10 - To Serve as Member...
- S4E09 - Every Child a Wanted Child?
- S4E08 - What Should We Tell the Children?
- S4E07 - The Day the Roof Fell In
- S4E06 - The Maharishi Effect
- S4E05 - What We Don't Like to See Beside the Seaside
- S4E04 - The BBC Europe Debate
- S4E03 - The Rules of the Game
- S4E02 - A Whole New Ball Game
- S4E01 - It Shouldn't Happen to a Pig
3. série
- S3E10 - An Area of Outstanding Natural Danger
- S3E09 - Thanks for the Memory
- S3E08 - Keep Off the Grass?
- S3E07 - The Non-Existent Junkies
- S3E06 - Sale of the Centuries
- S3E05 - Fathers and Daughters
- S3E04 - What'll We Do with the Kids?
- S3E03 - Price of the Canals
- S3E02 - In a Class of Their Own
- S3E01 - All God's Children