Who Should Get Their Own LEGO Movie?
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- epizoda seriálu Screen Junkies Movie Fights (2014)
- Rok:
- 2017
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Who Should Get Their Own LEGO Movie?
- Typ:
- epizoda seriálu Screen Junkies Movie Fights (2014)
- Rok:
- 2017
Přehled sérií a epizod
9. série
- S9E12 - What's the Best Scene in the MCU?
- S9E11 - Is the Emperor in Star Wars Episode IX a Good Idea?
- S9E10 - Hellboy, Hellfire and Brimstone
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- S9E04 - Oscars 2019 Movie Fights
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- S9E02 - Who Should Play Wolverine?
- S9E01 - Who Should Be Batman
8. série
- S8E27 - Movie Fights Championship
- S8E26 - What is the WORST M. Night Shyamalan movie?
- S8E25 - Who Should Control Sony's "Venom" Franchise?
- S8E24 - What Will Be The Best Movie of 2019?
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- S8E18 - Honest Trailers Movie Fights: Round 2
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- S8E12 - How James Gunn Could Fix Suicide Squad
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- S8E08 - The Best and Worst of DC Movies! DCEU Movie Fights
- S8E07 - Movie Fights Title Match
- S8E06 - Worst Movie of Summer 2018
- S8E05 - Pitch a New Entry in the Air Bud Franchise
- S8E04 - Who is the Best Hollywood Chris
- S8E03 - Who Should Play Supergirl?
- S8E02 - Who Should Direct Guardians of the Galaxy 3
- S8E01 - Mission: Impossible vs. Fast and the Furious (SDCC 2018)
7. série
- S7E27 - Which Batman Villain Deserves A Stand-Alone Origin Film?
- S7E26 - The Great American Movie Fights
- S7E25 - Recasting The Watchmen
- S7E24 - Worst Movie Beloved by Critics?
- S7E23 - Worst Children's Show Host?
- S7E22 - Honest Trailer Movie Fights
- S7E21 - What Should Disney do with Star Wars Now?
- S7E20 - Who Should Play Boba Fett in the New Star Wars Spinoff?
- S7E19 - Most Disappointing Superhero Sequel Ever?
- S7E18 - Who's The Infinity War MVP?
- S7E17 - Movie Fights Extravaganza - Benefit for Women in Film
- S7E16 - Recast the MCU Avengers - Marvel Movie Fights!
- S7E15 - What Will Be the Best Movie of 2018
- S7E14 - The Ultimate Star Wars Spin-Off
- S7E13 - What is the Best Science Fiction Movie of All Time?
- S7E12 - Which Director Will Be The Next Speilberg?
- S7E11 - Is the "Fantastic Beasts" Series a Bad Idea?
- S7E10 - What is the Most Badass Movie Scene of All Time?
- S7E09 - Should Disney Stop Making Star Wars Movies?
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- S7E05 - What Marvel Villain Needs to Return for a Sequel?
- S7E04 - The Last Jedi Debate
- S7E03 - How To Kill Movies Forever
- S7E02 - Best/Worst Movie of 2017
- S7E01 - Best Superhero Movie of 2017?! - SNEAK PEEK
6. série
- S6E26 - Best Harrison Ford Performance?!
- S6E25 - Best Movie of the 80's!! - 80'S MOVIE FIGHTS!!
- S6E24 - Marvel Phase 4 Movies We Want to See Most (w/Max Landis)
- S6E23 - Which Franchise Would Be Most Improved By Adding Pennywise? - Debut Death Match
- S6E22 - Who Should Direct Star Wars: Episode 9
- S6E21 - Worst Movie of Summer 2017?!
- S6E20 - Who Should Play The Joker?
- S6E19 - What Movie Character Would Have the Best Instagram Account?
- S6E18 - What Wins: The Force vs The Hulk - Live from Comic-Con 2017
- S6E17 - What's Worse Than The Emoji Movie?
- S6E16 - Kevin Smith vs Elijah Wood!
- S6E14 - Best Spider-Man Performance?
- S6E13 - Cast a Live-Action Minions Movie (With Rob Corddry!)
- S6E12 - Is Star Wars in Trouble?
- S6E11 - Who is the Best Pixar Character?
- S6E10 - What Monster Movie Could Save The Mummy's Dark Universe?
- S6E09 - Best DC Movie?!
- S6E08 - Worst Movie of the Alien Franchise?
- S6E07 - Best Nicolas Cage Performance - Cage Match
- S6E06 - Who's the Best Guardian of the Galaxy?
- S6E05 - Pitch the 1980s Guardians of the Galaxy! - Weird Movie Fights
- S6E04 - Who is the Best Car from Cars? - Debut Deathmatch
- S6E03 - What Avengers Actor Is the Most Replaceable?
- S6E02 - Who is the Greatest Director of the 1970's
- S6E01 - Biggest Summer Blockbuster of 2017?!
5. série
- S5E24 - Who Should Play Joss Whedon's Batgirl: Collider All-Stars
- S5E23 - What Superhero Movie Performance Deserves an Oscar?
- S5E22 - Aladdin vs The Little Mermaid vs The Lion King
- S5E21 - What Superhero Should Return When They're Old?
- S5E20 - Star Wars vs Star Trek
- S5E19 - Improve a Movie by Adding Predator
- S5E18 - What Schwarzenegger Character Would Win in a Battle Royale?
- S5E17 - Who Should Get Their Own LEGO Movie?
- S5E16 - Stoned Fights: Who Should Direct The Batman?
- S5E15 - Worst Performance of 2016 - FAN FIGHTS
- S5E14 - Ultimate G.I Joe/Transformers Crossover
- S5E13 - Best SNL Movie Star
- S5E12 - Best Movie of 2016
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- S5E05 - What is the Best Harry Potter Movie? - HARRY POTTER FIGHTS!
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- S5E03 - What Franchise Should Wonder Woman Join?
- S5E02 - Deadliest Horror Villain?!
- S5E01 - Best Zombie Movie W/Walking Dead Creator Robert Kirkman!
4. série
- S4E26 - Cast Aladdin's Live Action Genie - DRUNK MOVIE FIGHTS!!
- S4E25 - How to Fix Pirates of the Caribbean
- S4E23 - Ghost in the Shell - Will it Work?
- S4E22 - Which Pixar Movie Deserves a Live-Action Reboot?
- S4E20 - Best Comic Book Movie? Live from Comic-Con 2016
- S4E19 - Cast The Justice League Dark Movie!
- S4E18 - Who Will Be The Stand Out Character From Rogue One?
- S4E17 - Suicide Squad: Rotten or Fresh?
- S4E15 - Best Part of the Wonder Woman Trailer?
- S4E14 - What Is the Most Influential Film? - CLASSIC FILM FIGHTS!!
- S4E13 - What Is the Best Movie of 2016 (So Far)?
- S4E12 - What Is the Worst Part of Independance Day: Resurgence?
- S4E11 - How Will Darth Vader Return in Rogue One? - DRUNK MOVIE FIGHTS!
- S4E10 - Pitch the 1990s Avengers!
- S4E09 - Who Should Join Black Panther?
- S4E08 - Dream Ninja Turtles Movie Crossovers
- S4E07 - Pitch Austin Powers 4
- S4E06 - Who Should Play Female Wolverine (X-23)?
- S4E05 - Where Does Civil War Rank in the MCU? (w/ Kevin Smith!)
- S4E04 - Worst Marvel MCU Villian? - DRUNK MOVIE FIGHTS
- S4E03 - What Will Be the Best Live Action Disney Film?
- S4E02 - Best Movie Character Prom Date?
- S4E01 - Spider-Man: Homecoming! Story Pitches
3. série
- S3E26 - Best "Star Wars: Rogue One" Trailer Moment?
- S3E25 - Batman v Superman: Fun or Failure?
- S3E24 - Which Superhero Would You Want to Be?
- S3E23 - Pitch Indiana Jones 5!
- S3E22 - Could Captain America: Civil War Suck??
- S3E21 - New Ghostbusters Trailer: Should We Be Worried?
- S3E20 - Who Should Join the Justice League?
- S3E19 - Pitch a Deadpool Sequel (w/ Kevin Smith!)
- S3E18 - Will Batman v Superman Be Great?
- S3E17 - Pitch the Next Big Fast & Furious Action Sequence
- S3E16 - Best Animated Sequel?
- S3E15 - Best Suicide Squad Trailer Moment?
- S3E13 - Best Movie of 2015?
- S3E12 - Pitch the Matrix Sequel - New Year's Eve 1999!!
- S3E11 - Is the Force Awakens the Best Star Wars Movie?
- S3E10 - Star Trek Beyond Trailer: Good or Bad?
- S3E09 - Pitch a Solo Batman Movie (with Kevin Smith!)
- S3E08 - Best Moment in the Batman v Superman Trailer?
- S3E07 - Jessica Jones & MCU Team Up?!
- S3E06 - What Star Wars Character Would Win the Hunger Games?
- S3E05 - Best Stoner Movie? with Doug Benson!
- S3E04 - Casting Shazam! Opposite the Rock Plus HUGE SJ NEWS!!
- S3E03 - Wes Anderson: Horror Director?!
- S3E02 - Luke Skywalker: Good or Evil?
- S3E01 - Dream Back to the Future Sequel
2. série
- S2E26 - Best Movie Fight! - Movie Fights 1 Year Epic Battle!
- S2E25 - Dream Avengers Phase 4 Lineup
- S2E24 - Pacific Rim 2: Pitch the Dream Sequel
- S2E23 - Who Should Play Robin in the Next Batman Movie?
- S2E22 - Best Lord of the Rings Movie (Feat. Elijah Wood!)
- S2E21 - Man of Steel 2 Pitches (Feat. Max Landis!)
- S2E20 - Han Solo vs Indiana Jones: Live From Chicago Comic Con
- S2E19 - How to Fix the Fantastic Four
- S2E18 - Disney World's Star Wars Land Dream Rides!?
- S2E17 - What Franchise Should Die Forever?!
- S2E16 - What Should Wolverine's Last Movie Be About?
- S2E15 - Who Should Play Young Han Solo?
- S2E14 - Batman v Superman v Wonder Woman: Who Wins?
- S2E13 - Justice League vs. Avengers: Live from Comic-Con
- S2E12 - Worst Terminator Sequel?
- S2E11 - Who Should Play Green Lantern?
- S2E10 - Most Traumatizing Kid's Movie?
- S2E09 - Jurassic World: Fun or Failure?
- S2E08 - Dream Superhero Movie Director
- S2E07 - Which Disney Character Needs a Spin-Off?
- S2E06 - McConaughey in the Marvel Universe?!
- S2E05 - Best Pixar Movie (CinemaSins vs. Honest Trailers)
- S2E04 - Who Should Play the Punisher?
- S2E03 - Avengers: Age of Ultron - Overhyped?
- S2E02 - Will Jurassic World Suck?
- S2E01 - Batman v. Superman Trailer - Awesome or Awful?
1. série
- S1E26 - Ultimate Game of Thrones Spin-off Movie?
- S1E25 - Who Should Be the Next Wolverine?
- S1E24 - Better Franchise: Mission Impossible or Fast & Furious?
- S1E23 - Iron Man VS Darth Vader
- S1E22 - Star Wars Spinoffs - Good Idea or Bad Idea?
- S1E21 - Avengers: Age of Ultron End Credits Scenes!
- S1E20 - Which Kids' Franchise Needs a Gritty Reboot?
- S1E19 - Zach Snyder's Aquaman - Awesome or Awful?
- S1E18 - Who Should Marvel's Spider-Man Fight Next?
- S1E17 - Does the Hobbit Suck?
- S1E16 - Should Indiana Jones Be Rebooted w/ Chris Pratt?
- S1E15 - Should Star Wars Ditch George Lucas?
- S1E14 - Oscar Snubs 2015: Who Got Screwed?!
- S1E13 - What's the Best Year in Movies EVER!?
- S1E12 - Best & Worst of 2014
- S1E11 - Magneto vs. Gandalf - Best Ian McKellen Movie
- S1E10 - Should Marvel Fire Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man?
- S1E09 - New Star Wars Lightsaber - Awesome or Useless?
- S1E08 - Star Wars VS Star Trek
- S1E07 - Which Superhero Wins the Hunger Games?
- S1E06 - Best Quentin Tarantino Movie
- S1E05 - Does Interstellar Suck?
- S1E04 - Best Marvel Phase 3 Movie
- S1E03 - Age of Ultron Trailer Debate
- S1E02 - Captain America vs. Iron Man
- S1E01 - Should They Reboot Ghostbusters?