Přehled sérií a epizod
- S1E34 - Sold!
- S1E33 - On The Throne
- S1E32 - A Design Disaster
- S1E31 - The Premier
- S1E30 - The Show Must Go On
- S1E29 - Whooo's there?
- S1E28 - PC Princess
- S1E27 - Hair Scare
- S1E26 - The Big Pong
- S1E25 - Twinkle Toes Terry
- S1E24 - The Record Breaking Bun
- S1E23 - Bienvenue Madame
- S1E22 - Home (not quite) Alone
- S1E21 - Welcome to Pawhaven
- S1E20 - Bon Voyage
- S1E19 - The Pawhaven Pirate
- S1E18 - Oh Brother!
- S1E17 - The Beastie of Pawhaven Park
- S1E16 - Quiet, please!
- S1E15 - A Tooth Fairy Tale
- S1E14 - Overgrown
- S1E13 - Radio Claude
- S1E12 - Waxy Works
- S1E11 - Anyone for Strawberries?
- S1E10 - It's a Jungle Out There
- S1E09 - The Hider Cup
- S1E08 - Matchmaker
- S1E07 - The Pawhaven Club
- S1E06 - All About Keith
- S1E05 - Shiny Shoes
- S1E04 - That's Magic
- S1E03 - PC Claude
- S1E02 - Claude Save the Queen
- S1E01 - Gone Sock