Přehled sérií a epizod
1. série
- S1E27 - Sluts: It's Halloween, Yea!
- S1E26 - Christmas with Gwar!
- S1E25 - Inappropriate Uses for an Uncooked Turkey
- S1E23 - Greatest Moustaches in History Rap
- S1E22 - Moves Like Jabba
- S1E21 - Netflix Fail Song
- S1E20 - The Ex-Girlfriend Song
- S1E19 - The Freshman 15
- S1E18 - The Photobomb Song
- S1E17 - I Just Texted to Say I Love You
- S1E16 - Google+ Song
- S1E15 - Girly Drinks Rap
- S1E13 - Hey Little Boy
- S1E12 - My Ex-Girlfriend Doll
- S1E11 - She's Too Good for Everyone
- S1E10 - Tonight I'm Frakking You
- S1E09 - Spanish Love Song
- S1E08 - 2nd Semester of Spanish
- S1E07 - Punch Out Rap
- S1E06 - Bed Intruder Cop Show
- S1E05 - Stores That Are Exactly What They Are
- S1E04 - Exercise Ball Tribute Song
- S1E03 - Song Gun
- S1E02 - Gettin' Sugar High (Halloween Rap)
- S1E01 - Katy Perry Is a C*Cktease